Linkedin is a social network site where business owners, employers, and job candidates go to connect with each other in order to either help their business or find a job in the field they want to pursue. Linkedin is very popular because instead of emailing back and forth between employees and employers, it gives you the opportunity to look at someones resume' from a social network standpoint. this is the new wave for young college graduates and interns.
Linkedin has many features and the one feature i find the most interesting is the connections feature. The reason I find it interesting is because it gives everyone a chance to meet someone new just by going to someones page and clicking on their connections. It's easily the easiest way to grow your brand or push your resume' out through social media. In order to build upon something you care about or want to see grow, you have to have a firm foundation of experienced individuals and have a foundation of individuals who are eager to learn and carry on the business once the experienced individuals move on.
This resource will give military veterans such as myself a fighting chance to actually find work after the military and even during service. Military veterans need this social media resource to stay up with the times and new age of technology. I couldn't think of an easier way to build a new life outside of the military and connect with individuals that you can relate to.
Here is my Linkedin account. Feel free to build a connection and start a new journey.