Friday, October 20, 2017

Don't Be Board (Ha!)

Pinterest is a program system setup to use either over the web or on mobile devices mainly to store pictures, GIF's, and videos. Some even call it the catalog of ideas or maybe even the scrapbook of ideas. Pinterest was created by the creative trio that consists of Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp in the month of December in 2009.

Many people use Pinterest as a sorting mechanism for weekly wardrobe ideas for work, school or even fashion events. There are other users that use this program to manage their diet. Pinterest allows users to post pictures of ideas from the web to inform others of their previous struggles to be healthy and give healthy tips on what to eat or drink.

Pinterest can be used for business and marketing tools for many companies and organizations. One business that comes to mind that I use is Whole Foods Market. Whole Foods Market is a grocery store full of healthy and organic foods to help you live a healthier lifestyle by eating healthy. The way this company uses Pinterest is by creating boards to show recipes or even the end results of great recipes and ideas for the holidays. With  Thanksgiving coming up I plan to use the boards I've already saved to serve food families who aren't fortunate to have a Thanksgiving meal.

After we've stuffed our faces it is key to conduct physical fitness to ensure that you can go back to work or school and perform the way you need to. Another board I use on my blog is called Fitness Exercises. On that board, I have a myriad of exercises to work off the thanksgiving meals and how to recover from those workouts.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Zachary or Stephen Mason?

Stephen Zachary Mason a native of Orangeburg, SC doesn't have the typical graduate from high school and go to college story but his name and what people call him is a completely different story. We'll start off with the background behind his name. At a young age he always wanted everyone to call him Zachary or Zach for short because his fathers name was Stephen. Now Being the thinking man that he was born to be, he believed that his life was different than his fathers, they were two different people, and there was no reason for him to be called Stephen like his father. When he came to South Carolina State University  some people would call him Stephen and he realized he just had to accept it.

Mason's philosophy on Orangeburg, SC is not the same as everyone else's . He believes while everyone wants to get out of Orangeburg and move on, you have to embrace it and make it better. He believes that your situation you're in does not define who you are and that if your surroundings are bad you have to make it better and how can you contribute. Everyone talks about how bad Orangeburg is but no one wants to help make a difference and give back to the community. So Mason has made that one of his primary goals in life.

At a young age his parents made sure there were plenty of books to read in the house and the old saying, "There are hundreds of books to read here" was an understatement in his household.Elementary school Mason never made a "B", he made all A's. In his household his parents made him read books EVERYDAY!!! His parents told him at a young age that, "You're going to know how to read, write, and talk. In 6th grade lil Zach became a product of his environment in the gifted and talented program. This program was to separate the exceptional students from the "ok" students. Although he was around other smart individuals, everyone was so playful and didn't take things serious.

His love for college was lacking and he didn't want to go to college. In high school he already had the mindset of, " If I don't have a passion for it, I will not do it." He never saw hisself going to college so he never applied. Luckily there was an angel named Valerie that was taking care of Mr. Mason. Valerie's mother was a program manager for one of the organizations on the campus of South Carolina State and Valerie filled out his application for him. Now in his mind he's thinking, "How in the world did she get all of my information?" Soon after he was accepted to South Carolina State University.

Two things that define Stephen Zachary Mason are, Passion and Faith. You can follow him on his Twitter and connect with him and visit his blog

Person on the street

This "Person On The Street" assignment helped me realize how the students of South Carolina State University  really feel about the catastrophic events of the hurricane season that includes Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey . Lets listen in to how they feel:

Sunday, October 8, 2017

What Is Twitter?

Twitter is a social network park as I like to call it. Everyone goes there to talk, clear their head or see how others are doing. Jack Dorsey, the creator, created Twitter in March of 2006 but didn't launch Twitter until July of 2006. Dorsey created it to see how people think and how they really feel. It has become a marketing to for Hollywood and big businesses. It gives everyone an opportunity to communicate with anyone from anywhere. In an interview with "60 Minutes", Jack Dorsey said " The biggest thing I've learned is that I need to communicate more, I need to be more vocal..."

His very invention has become apart of some peoples everyday life. In todays news our very own President uses it daily to voice his opinions on certain issues. Instead of having a formal press conference, he uses Twitter. There are a number of athletes who have been scrutinized because of their comments on Twitter as well as politicians being praised because of their comments on Twitter. Twitter is the gateway to someones mind but, it can also be the gateway to someones demise. 

Personally I follow people who have positive things to say on Twitter. I also follow heath gurus as well as motivational speakers. The reason I follow them are because those are the people I look up to. I follow Eric Thomas who is a motivational speaker because whenever I don't feel like getting up at 4:30 every morning to do PT ( physical training) I can listen to him. I also follow LeBron James for motivation. He is the athlete I try to model myself after based on work ethic. He has the mentality to never be outworked by anyone.
Here is my Twitter account so come follow me on this journey called life and peek into my mind.Image result for twitter logo

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A little bit about Jalen and his blog.....

Hello my name is Jalen Ayers and welcome to my blog site. This blog will get you into a routine of pushing yourself physically, mentally, an...