Sunday, October 8, 2017

What Is Twitter?

Twitter is a social network park as I like to call it. Everyone goes there to talk, clear their head or see how others are doing. Jack Dorsey, the creator, created Twitter in March of 2006 but didn't launch Twitter until July of 2006. Dorsey created it to see how people think and how they really feel. It has become a marketing to for Hollywood and big businesses. It gives everyone an opportunity to communicate with anyone from anywhere. In an interview with "60 Minutes", Jack Dorsey said " The biggest thing I've learned is that I need to communicate more, I need to be more vocal..."

His very invention has become apart of some peoples everyday life. In todays news our very own President uses it daily to voice his opinions on certain issues. Instead of having a formal press conference, he uses Twitter. There are a number of athletes who have been scrutinized because of their comments on Twitter as well as politicians being praised because of their comments on Twitter. Twitter is the gateway to someones mind but, it can also be the gateway to someones demise. 

Personally I follow people who have positive things to say on Twitter. I also follow heath gurus as well as motivational speakers. The reason I follow them are because those are the people I look up to. I follow Eric Thomas who is a motivational speaker because whenever I don't feel like getting up at 4:30 every morning to do PT ( physical training) I can listen to him. I also follow LeBron James for motivation. He is the athlete I try to model myself after based on work ethic. He has the mentality to never be outworked by anyone.
Here is my Twitter account so come follow me on this journey called life and peek into my mind.Image result for twitter logo

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