At a young age his parents made sure there were plenty of books to read in the house and the old saying, "There are hundreds of books to read here" was an understatement in his household.Elementary school Mason never made a "B", he made all A's. In his household his parents made him read books EVERYDAY!!! His parents told him at a young age that, "You're going to know how to read, write, and talk. In 6th grade lil Zach became a product of his environment in the gifted and talented program. This program was to separate the exceptional students from the "ok" students. Although he was around other smart individuals, everyone was so playful and didn't take things serious.
His love for college was lacking and he didn't want to go to college. In high school he already had the mindset of, " If I don't have a passion for it, I will not do it." He never saw hisself going to college so he never applied. Luckily there was an angel named Valerie that was taking care of Mr. Mason. Valerie's mother was a program manager for one of the organizations on the campus of South Carolina State and Valerie filled out his application for him. Now in his mind he's thinking, "How in the world did she get all of my information?" Soon after he was accepted to South Carolina State University.
Two things that define Stephen Zachary Mason are, Passion and Faith. You can follow him on his Twitter and connect with him and visit his blog
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